The Wonderful World of Suzie McGoo

Suzie Dedications

I am grateful for all my special CF friends, their moms and dads too. But most of all for every one part of my secret cuff cough crew.;/

About Author
Maria Rohan-Turk RN, BSN

To all the patients I’ve loved like my own, who have died taking a piece of me with them. Breathe Easy, my loves. Your struggle and sacrifice has inspired me to work constantly for a better day in medicine. To St. Xenia and St. John Maximovitch, I thank you, for guiding, protecting, and through your intercession, having mercy on me.

About Author & Co-Illustrator
Nicholas Kelly MS, RD, LD

Thank you to my friends, family, and all the people who assisted in making this book a reality. This book is extremely personal, as it represents a promise I made to myself, because of the people I’ve lost. The idea to write a CF-centered children’s book was inspired by my late “Cyster” Michele Held (Shelly) and my “Fibro” Nicholas Statford (Vincent – evil snicker). Writing a CF book was a dream of theirs to complete together. However, since both have passed, I knew I needed to make our dream a reality. Thus, this is for them, the CF community, and all the ones lost. #BreatheEasy

– Other Books –

The Adventures of Miss Messy Suzie McGoo… TBD

The Adventures of Miss Messy Suzie McGoo & Her Resiporatory Zoo

The Adventures of Miss Messy Suzie McGoo… TBD